0129 EPDM Pipe Flashing

EPDM roof penetrations are suitable for the watertight and airtight sealing of antennas, air, and smoke ducts on roof and wall surfaces. These rubber roof penetrations or rubber sleeves are widely used for various types of roofs, including pitched, flat, and profiled roofs (such as corrugated sheets).

Size (mm)
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Product Information

EPDM-dakdoorvoeren zijn geschikt voor het water- en luchtdicht afdichten van antenne, lucht- en rookgaskanalen op dak- en wandoppervlakten. Deze rubberen dak doorvoeren of rubber manchetten worden veelvuldig gebruikt voor daken. Zowel voor hellende, vlakke als voor geprofileerde daken (bijvoorbeeld golfplaten) worden EPDM-dakdoorvoeren gebruikt. 

The flexible pipe sleeves made of supple EPDM rubber can be easily stretched and customized to the size of the penetration using scissors. The square baseplate has an aluminum edge that can be bent to match the profile of the baseplate. Subsequently, this baseplate can be mounted with screws and sealing kit.

Applications of EPDM Roof Penetrations:

  • 1. Roof penetrations suitable for new seals.
  • 2. Roof penetrations with zipper for mounting seals in existing installations.
  • 3. Round or square base options.
  • 4. Mounting kit (screws, installation manual, and mounting kit) available.

Features of EPDM Roof Penetrations:

  • 1. Waterproof and airtight.
  • 2. Adaptable to all profile shapes through the use of aluminium edges.
  • 3. UV radiation and ozone-resistant.
  • 4. Silicone (red) can be used at temperatures from -60 °C to 200 °C, and EPDM (black+gray) from -50 °C to 115 °C.

EPDM roof penetrations are one of the products in the IPEX range. IPEX exclusively supplies and manufactures substructures, fastening materials, and sealing materials for roof and facade construction to businesses and wholesalers. You can find our EPDM roof penetrations as private labels or as assembled prefab components in roof and facade construction.

For roof pitches greater than 20º, then choose the next indicated size. For square penetrations, then multiply the width by 1.3 for the correct diameter.

Available Variants (21)
Size (mm)ColourPipeMaterial
71 x 81Black0 - 35EPDM
100 x x110Black0 - 55EPDM
152 x 167Black3 - 100EPDM
264 x 290Black80 - 175EPDM
381 x 419Black150 - 315EPDM
516 x 593Black250 - 400EPDM
623 x 716Black355 - 550EPDM
71 x 81Grey0 - 35EPDM
71 x 81Red0 - 35EPDM
100 x x110Grey0 - 55EPDM
100 x x110Red0 - 55EPDM
152 x 167Grey3 - 100EPDM
152 x 167Red3 - 100EPDM
264 x 290Grey80 - 175EPDM
264 x 290Red80 - 175EPDM
381 x 419Grey150 - 315EPDM
381 x 419Red150 - 315EPDM
516 x 593Grey250 - 400EPDM
516 x 593Red250 - 400EPDM
623 x 716Grey355 - 550EPDM
623 x 716Red355 - 550EPDM

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