Fibre cement cladding

When attaching a fiber cement board to a facade, it is important to choose durable and high-quality substructures that can withstand various weather conditions. One challenge in attaching fibre cement cladding is finding suitable materials that meet all quality standards. Fortunately, our substructures for fiber cement boards provide solutions to these challenges. Below you will find more information about these substructures and their associated benefits.

Back structures for facade cement panels

When attaching a fiber cement board to a facade, it is important to choose durable and high-quality substructures that can withstand various weather conditions. One challenge in attaching fibre cement cladding is finding suitable materials that meet all quality standards. Fortunately, our substructures for fiber cement boards provide solutions to these challenges. Below you will find more information about these substructures and their associated benefits. 

Designing a substructure for fiber cement boards 

When constructing roofs and facades, it is crucial to consider the appropriate substructure for a fibre cement cladding. Developing a suitable substructure is a vital part of the construction process, as it forms the foundation for the rest of the structure. 

A good substructure for fiber cement boards should be resistant to extreme weather conditions and moisture. It is important to ensure the proper spacing between the structure and the fiber cement boards for adequate moisture regulation. Additionally, the structure should be sturdy enough to bear the weight of the fiber cement boards. 

Attaching a substructure for fiber cement boards  

Our experienced engineers have developed standardized solutions for different types of facade boards and substructures, making the secure and safe attachment of fibre cement cladding incredibly easy. 

By choosing the right fastening materials, safety, stability, and speed are guaranteed. IPEX offers substructures that are quick and easy to install, significantly improving the efficiency of the construction process while ensuring durability. Our substructures are designed to securely and effortlessly attach fiber cement boards to facades, saving time and money while reducing the risk of installation errors. 

Are you in need of a substructure for fibre cement cladding? Contact our specialists today. You can reach us by phone during office hours at +31(0)547384637, or you can leave your details using the contact form, and we will get back to you as soon as possible! 

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