Visible fixing method
It is crucial to use the right visible fixing method when fixing an open facade. The right fixing method depends on various factors , such as the size and weight of the facade panels, the climatic conditions and the type of building.
Visible fixing method i-facade
One of the options for visible fixing methods are blind rivets. This fixing method is especially suitable for facade panels that are not too large and heavy. Another option is the use of clamps, which are especially suitable for larger and heavier panels. Screws are also commonly used as a fixing method. This method is best for medium sized panels.
Special fixing systems are also available, such as panel hooks and glue systems from the IPEX i-facade collection. These systems offer a firm attachment and are suitable for different types of facade panels. We offer systems for facade panels and cassettes, a system for fixing ceramic tiles, etc.
Advice on fixing method i-facade
In order to give proper advise on the right visible fixing methods, we need to know what the customer wants and how the aesthetics of the building must be. Some customers like a visible fixing method, while others prefer invisible fixings. It is therefore important to discuss the different options, so that the customer is able to choose the option that best meets their specific requirements.
IPEX, your reliable partner
In short, visible fixing methods provide a sturdy and reliable way to fix facade cladding. Several options are available to meet customer requirements. The IPEX i-facade product range consists of special systems for different types of facade panels that give a building a beautiful appearance. With the right visible fixing method, an open facade can enhance the aesthetics of any building.
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